Online lawyer

Online lawyer


Online lawyer – Get legal advice online

One of the principles that makes us less harmed in various matters is to refer to a specialist in that field in any matter. Naturally, prevention is better than cure, and prevention of problems requires referring to a specialist at the right time.


For this reason, it is recommended that you consult a specialist in the same field before creating a problem, not only in legal issues, but in all specialized fields.
Consulting on any subject is correct and logical, especially if we consult with an expert on a subject.
Legal issues can happen to any person at any stage of his life, and if a person can not manage these problems well, it can be a waste of time and money, as well as a loss of reputation.


In many lawsuits that lead to failure, individuals generally file a lawsuit or defend themselves in court without knowing the rules and regulations, which is usually doomed to failure. While we can benefit from the guidance of experts in this field, first of all, we do not get into legal problems, and if we get into these problems, we can easily solve it.


Online lawyer

Online lawyer


Of course, counseling is not limited to individuals, and due to the complexity of the issues these days, it is suggested that companies and organizations also benefit from legal advice.

Mohsenzadeh Law Office and headed by Mr. Ali Mohsenzadeh, a basic lawyer of a Central Bar Association and a master of private law with 10 years of experience in various fields of law, criminal, family, international, registration, municipal cases … As well as taking specialized law courses in the Netherlands and France, we are ready to provide free online advice to your loved ones.

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علی محسن زاده

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