Address and all information of Mashhad courts

Address and all information of Mashhad courts

Mashhad courts

Due to the needs of our dear fellow citizens and in order to find the contact addresses of the courts of Mashhad, we saw our duty to introduce and help in finding the addresses and communication numbers of the courts more easily

Below is a list of addresses, phone numbers, areas covered, and maps of these courts for your convenience

General-Legal Courts of Mashhad


(Shahid Motahhari Judicial Complex (Shafa

Shahid Motahari Judicial Complex in Mashhad
Shahid Motahari Judicial Complex in Mashhad

Competence: Family litigation, commercial contracts, corporate affairs

Address : Shafa Blvd., corner of Shafa 30

Covered area : Kuhsangi Street, East side of Kuhsangi, University to the end of Khajeh Rabi

Phone number : 05137527531

( Number of branches: 23 branches ( from branches 26 to 46 and branches 49,50

Google Map of Shahid Motahhari Judicial Complex (Shafa)

 Shahid Beheshti Judicial Complex

Shahid Beheshti Judicial Complex in Mashhad
Shahid Beheshti Judicial Complex in Mashhad

Competence : Family litigation, commercial contracts, corporate affairs

Address: Vahdat Boulevard, beginning of Rezaieh

Covered area: Kuhsangi Street, East side of Kuhsangi, University to the end of Khajeh Rabi

Phone number: 05133661280

( Number of branches: has 23 branches ( from branches 2 to 24

Google Map of Shahid Beheshti Judicial Complex in Mashhad

General and Criminal Courts of Mashhad

 Imam Khomeini Judicial Complex

Competence: Complaints to covered police stations

( Covered police stations: Hasheminejad, Fayyaz Bakhsh, terminal, railway, Tabarsi, Resalat (Khajeh Rabi

( Address: The beginning of Shahid Modarres Boulevard (Central Justice

Phone number: 05132222152

Number of branches: 3 branches 101 to 105 interrogations, branches 201 to 204 Dadiari, branches 221 to 230

Google Map of Imam Khomeini Judicial Complex in Mashhad

(Samen Judicial Complex (Holy Shrine

Competence: Investigate complaints of crimes committed by covered police stations

Covered police stations: Nawab, Imam Reza, Samen women, Astanehparast martyr

Address: At the beginning of Nawab Safavi Street

Phone number: 05132239600 and 2_0513681070

Number of branches: 3 branches 106 to 109 interrogations, branches 301 and 302 of the judiciary, branches 321 to 325 and branches 8 of the Revolutionary Court

Google Map of Samen Judicial Complex (Holy Shrine)

(Shahid Rajaei Judicial Complex (Koohsangi Street

Competence : Complaints of various crimes

Covered police stations : Jihad, Sidi, Rezashahr

Address : Koohsangi Street, Al-Andasht Square, next to the Revolutionary Court

Phone number : 4_05138460370

Number of branches : 3 branches 128 to 130 investigators, branches 701 and 703 of the judiciary, branches 721 to 726

Google Map of Shahid Rajaei Judicial Complex (Koohsangi St.)

Shahid Hasheminejad Judicial Complex

Competence : Complaints of various crimes

Covered police stations : Mosalla, Police Alley, Women, Shahid Rajaei, Shahid Bahonar, Torgh, Golshahr, Airport
Address : Garagedaran Street, between 27 and 29 attempts

9-Phone number : 0513440477

Number of branches : 3 branches 112 to 117 interrogations, branches 401 and 405 of the prosecutor’s office, branches 421 to 431

Google Map of Shahid Hasheminejad Judicial Complex

(Shahid Kamyab Judicial Complex (Sadaf

Competence : Complaints of various crimes

Covered police stations : NAJA town, Qasem Abad, Sajjad, Elahieh, Haft Tir
Address: Vakilabad Boulevard, beginning of Sadaf town

4-Phone number : 05138680990 and 05138680802

Number of branches : 3 branches 123 to 126 and 131 branches of interrogation, branches 601 and 605 of the judiciary, branches 621 to 631

Google Map of Shahid Kamyab Judicial Complex (Sadaf)

Shahid Bahonar Judicial Complex

Competence: Complaints of various crimes of the covered police stations

Covered police stations : Sanabad, Ahmadabad, Najafi

Address : Shahid Gharani Boulevard, between Maidoon Bar crossroads and Aboutaleb crossroads

Phone number : 05137299575, 05137295266 and 05137298992

(Number of branches : (Branches 501 and 502 of the Court, Branch 521 to 531

Dear clients of Shahid Bahonar Court, Branch 118 of this Judicial Complex has been moved to the location of the former Court of Appeal next to the Revolutionary Court
Also, branches 119, 120, 121, 122 of the criminal courts of this complex have been transferred to Imam Khomeini Complex located in Modares Boulevard

Google Map of Shahid Bahonar Judicial Complex

Shahid Qudussi Judicial Complex (Special) Vakilabad

Jurisdiction: Special Court for the Investigation of Crimes of Social and Economic Corruption, usury, theft

Address: Vakilabad Boulevard, corner of Vakilabad 8

7-Phone number: 05138823651

Google Map of Shahid Qudussi Judicial Complex in Mashhad

Revolutionary Judicial Complex

Competence: All suburban police stations in Mashhad

Address: Koohsangi Street, corner of Al-Andasht Square

5-Phone number: 05138425021

Google Map of Mashhad Revolutionary Court

(Shahid Madani Judicial Complex (Torqabeh, Shandiz

Competence : Investigating various crimes and lawsuits

Address : At the beginning of Torqabeh city

Covered police stations : Torqabeh, Shandiz

6 – Phone number : 05134226124

Google Map of Shahid Madani Court (Torqabeh)

Judicial Complex for Supervision of Mashhad Prisons


Jurisdiction : Review of all judicial complexes in Mashhad

Address : Koohsangi St., Alandasht Square, Revolutionary Court

5-Phone number: 05138539021

Google Map of Mashhad Revolutionary Court

 Complex of Courts of Appeal of the province General Administration of Khorasan Razavi  Province

Jurisdiction : Court of Appeal

Covered area : All jurisdictions of Khorasan Razavi province

Address : Sajedi Boulevard, between Sajedi 7 and 9

4_Phone number : 05136152355  and  05138460360

Google Map Integrated Courts of Appeal