Iranian lawyer living abroad

Ali Mohsenzadeh - Iranian lawyer abroad


Iranian lawyer living abroad

Given the presence of large numbers of Iranians abroad and the problems that occur for these people in foreign countries, it is necessary that these compatriots abroad can defend their rights and not be oppressed. In this regard, in order to solve international problems, having an experienced international lawyer can be a clear part of Iranians living there
Every country in the world has laws that its subjects and nationalities must follow, but when a person of another nationality enters that country and for some reason violates the laws of that country, the wrongdoer must comply with the laws of the country in which In such circumstances, the presence of an Iranian lawyer who is fully acquainted with the laws of his country and another country in which he is engaged in legal activities can resolve the issues that arise and get out of trouble


Why an international lawyer

In addition to familiarity with the general laws of Iran, the Iranian lawyer is familiar with the legal and judicial laws of other countries, and according to the case file for a resident of that country, he can apply these laws to find a legal and correct solution. To get your client out of trouble and remove obstacles

Ali Mohsenzadeh, an Iranian lawyer living abroad

Ali Mohsenzadeh, an Iranian lawyer living abroad


Ali Mohsenzadeh – Iranian lawyer of Iranians Abroad

Ali Mohsenzadeh, a basic lawyer in a judiciary with sufficient knowledge and expertise, can follow all the affairs of Iranians abroad

Ali Mohsenzadeh Law Office Services for Iranians Residing Abroad

Provide telephone and online counseling from Saturday to Thursday from 17:00 to 20:00 Iranian time
Tracking the property and assets of Iranians abroad in Iran buying and selling, etc
Pursuing and accepting the representation of the Iranian family residing
Accepting power of attorney and pursuing legal matters, including defending lawsuits against them, as well as filing a lawsuit against individuals on their behalf
Follow up and resolve issues related to the ban on leaving the country
Other legal and judicial issues of Iranians living abroad

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All Iranians abroad who have judicial, legal, family, and property management concerns (property sales in Iran) and…. They can leave all their topics to us by contacting us through one of the suggested ways on the Contact Us page

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علی محسن زاده

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